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Community, Business and Visitor City Information

Launceston Danger and Warnings

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Launceston, located in the northern part of Tasmania, is generally considered a safe city. However, like any city, there are certain precautions that visitors and residents should take to ensure personal safety. Crime Rates: According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the crime rate in Launceston is generally lower than the national average. However, like any city, there are certain areas and times of day that may be more dangerous than others. Tips for Personal Security: When out and about in the city, here are some tips for staying safe: 1. Be aware of your surroundings: Keep an eye out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. If you see something that doesn't feel right to you, it's best to avoid the area or move to a place with more people and better lighting. 2. Avoid walking alone at night: If you must walk alone at night, stick to well-lit, populated areas. It's also a good idea to let someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back. 3. Keep your belongings close: Pickpocketing and theft can occur in any city, so keep your wallet, phone, and other valuables close to your body. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or wearing expensive jewelry. 4. Stay sober: Alcohol and drugs can impair your judgment and make you more vulnerable to crime. If you plan to drink, do so responsibly and make sure you have a designated driver or a safe way to get home. Emergency Services: If you need emergency assistance in Launceston, the following services are available: 1. In case of an emergency, dial 000 2. For non-emergency police assistance, call 131 444 3. For information on emergency services in Tasmania, visit the Tasmania Police website: https://www.police.tas.gov.au/ 4. For information on emergency preparedness and response, visit the Tasmanian Government's Emergency Management website: https://www.emergency.tas.gov.au/ Conclusion: While Launceston is generally a safe city, visitors and residents should take basic precautions to ensure personal safety. By staying aware of your surroundings, avoiding dangerous areas, and keeping your belongings close, you can minimize your risk of becoming a victim of crime. If you do find yourself in an emergency situation, remember to call 000 for assistance.

Security Service Providers or related services in Launceston are welcome to create a listing for your Business in the Launceston Business Directory Security Category For Local business and Community Groups, basic directory listings that includes posting your promotional video on LAUNCESTON.CITY is 100% FREE

Kings bridge Launceston photo thanks to Ian Wool
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